An online Xicheng fandom event that will run from 8th to 11th November, 2021.


All kinds of content is welcome: fanfics, twitter threads, socmed aus, art/comic, videos, manga/anime edits, memes, collaborations. As long as your fanwork is related to xicheng, it's welcome.
Please remember to tag your entries with the #XichengStorm + prompt tags when you post, on twitter or ao3, whatever platform you are using.
Please tag your content with all the appropriate warnings if you have sensitive topics such as – rape, dub-con, unhappy ending, infidelity etc.
All types of content, including NSFW is welcome, but we request NSFW to be posted with the proper tags on twitter and ao3. On ao3, please submit your entry under the XichengStorm collection.
No discrimination or hate of any kind will be tolerated. This event is for fans and the characters we love. The main aim is to have fun and enjoy ourselves. We request everyone to be respectful and polite.
If you like the content you see or read, we encourage you to show your appreciation towards the creator in any way possible. Even a simple thank you can mean a lot. 🖤

Late Submissions

Please note that we will be accepting late submissions until 5th December, 2021, on twitter and on ao3. This is because we want everyone who loves xicheng and wants to contribute, should be able to!
If you are submitting your fic on ao3 after the event, you can add it to the XichengStorm collection anytime until 5th December.
On twitter, after the event is over, when you are submitting your late entry under the #XichengStorm tag, we encourage you to post your entries on weekends.
The mods will be checking the tags on Saturdays and Sundays, and retweeting your entries then. 5th December is the last date for submission.


DateDayPrompt 1Prompt 2Prompt 3
November 8, 20211Animals AUSoulmates“Mine”
November 9, 20212Childhood | De-agingMisunderstandings“I will find you in any lifetime”
November 10, 20213Escape | GetawaySacrifice | Reunion“You are my home”
November 11, 20214FREE DAY  
xicheng eating watermelon

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I post my entries for the event?
All dates and times when you post your entries can be according to your time zone.

What language/s do you accept for the entries to this event?
The language that you post on twitter or ao3 can be any language, but the moderators of the event will be using English to communicate. But the event is not limited to English, any Xicheng fan contribution is welcome.

My fic isn't completed yet. Can I still submit it for this event?
You can post an unfinished fic on twitter or ao3, and complete it after the event, or even after 5th December (late submission deadline of the event).

Can I go with any interpretation of the prompts?
About the prompts, as you can see in option 3, we have put the word or sentence in quotes. Basically, you can either use the idea behind the quote or whatever the quote inspires you to write. Or you can also use the entire quote in your fic/art (whatever content you are creating)

Prompts can be used in any way that you want. For example, Animal AU can include anything from pets to shifters to hybrids etc. Whatever comes to your mind when you read the prompt.

What settings are allowed in this event?
The prompts can also be used in any setting, you do not have to stick to canon, it can be modern au, or anything else you wish.

There are multiple prompts and some are phrases, some are words. How could I go about using them?
You can also use any combination of prompts, for example all prompts or just one from Day 1. Some prompts in Day 2 and 3 have two words, like childhood/de-aging, you can either use them together, or just one of them.

You can use one prompt from each day in your fic as a whole or in different chapters, or whatever content you are creating.

Where are you holding this online fandom event?
This event will be held on twitter, but if someone who is not on twitter wants to participate, they can participate in the ao3 collection which will be titled XichengStorm.”

I have other questions. Where could I direct them?
If you have any other doubts, or questions about anything, feel free to DM us on twitter, or email at xichengstorm AT

Other Event Information

Event Moderators

Artwork Credits
Bee - Event icon art, Home page art
Gigi - Promotional material background image
Tannie - Promotional material layout, Xicheng edits

Carrd LayoutTuples

Xicheng standing side by side


If you have any other doubts, or questions about anything, feel free to DM us on twitter, or email us.

Event Twitter Account

Event Email Address
xichengstorm AT

Event AO3 Collection

Lan Xichen is reading your message